Saturday 25 January 2014

The Joys of Having Your Own Vegetable Garden

This little post is to show what can be done with a little love, a little dirt and a few seeds. How exciting to be able to grow your own organic food from almost nothing to something that you can see, touch and eat. 

At my house I can't really take any of the credit for our garden. My hubby has put in many hours and lots of love to grow all of the wonderful vegetables. I am pretty sure I have caught him a few times talking to the plants (but we won't mention that to him now will we?). 

The main reason for me mentioning our organic garden is because I think if we all had a little garden we would be helping the environment just that little bit and helping ourselves too. To have fresh produce available in your backyard it is so rewarding and so much better for you.

How nice to know that the little tomato you picked from your own garden didn't have to come from the other side of the country and it wasn't sprayed or frozen for long periods of time.

I love being able to pick fresh herbs from the backyard because how often do you buy a bunch of herbs from the supermarket but you only need a tiny bit and the rest goes to waste?  Or just a couple of tomatoes that you need or a few lettuce leaves. It really does add up in the end. There is so much less vegetable wastage in our house since we had our garden.

Even if you only have a small balcony area, you can plant a few herbs that you use often, maybe some strawberries and a few of your other favourite things.

If you have kids, it is such a great activity to involve them in. It's a wonderful way to teach them about where food comes from. My son loves running out to the garden to pick some cucumbers or tomatoes for dinner! I love having a giggle over the funny shaped vegetables that come out, like the carrot head below we pulled out the other day!

Do you have your own garden? If so,  I would love to hear about it!

Bee xx

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