Thursday 27 June 2013

RECIPE | Super Porridge! Full of brain power!

Sometimes on a cold day it's nice to have something to warm you up in the morning. After a warm lemon water I usually have a green juice but sometimes I like to have something heavier and warmer...Enter porridge.. The already super healthy steel cuts oats are great on their own with almond milk (or milk of choice) but I like to add a few little extras... I make them with extra almond milk and water so there is about double the amount of liquid I need. Then after they have finished cooking I add a tablespoon of chia seeds and mix them in and wait until they soak up all the milk and water (the longer they get to swell, the more nutrients they release), then I top it off with a sprinkle of bee pollen, banana and a little raw honey... Super easy and super DELICIOUS!

Bee xx

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